AcouDesign – Innovation in SensoryAcoustics

Experience sound differently

Sensory acoustics?

Say goodbye to traditional systems, feel the vibration of the acoustic revolution through materials! The sounds we perceive have a direct impact on our emotions and behavior. Sensory Acoustics® is a term registered by Acoudesign to describe the effects of an invisible sound on our auditory, physiological, and psychological perception. With this innovative approach, we have developed SIISMAT (Invisible System of Sound proofing and Sonorization by Materials), a cross-cutting technology integrated into all our solutions, whether in the professional field, transportation, or leisure.
Pioneers in this disruptive field, weal ready offer incredibly innovative, immersive, unique, and unforgettable solutions and experiences.

Ge tready to feel new emotions with us and dive in to this audio revolution!

Experience sound differently

Sensory acoustics?

Say goodbye to traditional systems, feel the vibration of the acoustic revolution through materials! The sounds we perceive have a direct impact on our emotions and behavior. Sensory Acoustics® is a term registered by Acoudesign to describe the effects of an invisible sound on our auditory, physiological, and psychological perception. With this innovative approach, we have developed SIISMAT (Invisible System of Sound proofing and Sonorization by Materials), a cross-cutting technology integrated into all our solutions, whether in the professional field, transportation, or leisure.
Pioneers in this disruptive field, weal ready offer incredibly innovative, immersive, unique, and unforgettable solutions and experiences.

Ge tready to feel new emotions with us and dive in to this audio revolution!

Our Aim :
Elevate the perception of the audio world and make sound invisible

The sound we discernis influenced by all that we see and touch. Utilizing the patented cross-cutting S.I.I.S.M.A.T technology, Acoudesign amalgamates all sensory interactions to create high-quality tangible products and applications, transforming your habitats into acoustic wellness spaces. In the interest of manufacturers and industrialists striving for acoustic perfection, we create innovative solutions where SIISMAT technology and material choices closely intertwine.

Advanced acoustic technology

Immersive sound solutions

Innovation in sensoryacoustics

Sustainable sound experience

Innovative acoustic solutions

Noise Reduction

Noise disturbance sencroachup on your daily routine and lessen your comfort in various settings (transport, work, home). The blend of SIISMAT technology and novel, recycled materials enables us to rectify the acoustic imperfections in your living spaces and facilitate the emission of top-tier immersive sound. The merger of these two synergistic technologies provides prime solutions to restore tranquility and living comfort.

Music Broadcast

Experience a revolutionary musical journey with Acoudesign, whether at work, in your car, on the train, in your swimming pool, or cozily settled on your couch. Immerse yourself in a world of exceptional auditory sensations and electrify your audience with a singular sensory experience. Find out now how Acoudesign, armed with SIISMAT technology, can transform your way of perceiving and experiencing music.

Vibration Applications

Sound is a vibration in the air. At Acoudesign, we utilize materials to generate this vibration through SIISMAT technology. Our proficiency in managing structural vibrations has led us to patent purely vibratory solutions, generating comfort and well being in diverse application fields from the medical sector to environmental contexts.

The Crown Jewel of Acoustics :
The S.I.I.S.M.A.T Technology

SIISMAT Technology : Invisible System of Sound proofing and Sonorization by Materials.

This system is the nerve center of our solutions. It establishes a connection between different elements to emit acoustic waves to fulfill one or more specific functions (messages, counter noise, music, alarm, etc.).

Our values

Scientific Rigor

We are committed to a rigorous and scientific approach in terms of R&D. With a CIR approval, our know-how & expertise allows us to thoroughly master vibro-acoustic phenomena. We firmly believe that our scientificrigoris the key element of our success, and we are committed to maintaining this core value in all aspects of our business. We are proud of our reputation for professionalism and responsibility, and we are determined to continue to develop innovative and sustainable solutions to meet the needs of our customers.


Developed by our research team composed of doctors in acoustics&material physics, our solutions are the subject of various patents both in the field of fundamental mechanisms at the heart of SIISMAT technology and the produced applications and derived solutions. To meet the industrialization needs of our customers, we imagine and design our solutions taking into account the economic constraint sinherent to mass production.


Convinced that protecting the environmentis a collective responsibility. We have become aware that our future depends on our ability to transform the current industrial approach and integrate sustainable practices into all our activities. That’s why our solutions are designed in a design-to-cost and design-to-manufacturinglogic. We commit to using recycled materials in our products and proposing eco-responsible solutions that preserve our planet.

« The Acoudesign system gives a liquid content to the sound, it feels like being in your mother’s womb.
It’s very nice ! »

Instants d’Absolu Ecolodge & Spa

« We would like to thank the Acoudesign company again for the homeric work provided, and the excellent quality of the latter. »
« To hear his work, take the elevator of the Louis Vuitton store… »

Les Numériques

Our clients

Let’s Invent New Ways of Living !


Acoudesign at VivaTech: Enhance your perception of sound

We are proud to announce our presence at the VivaTech exhibition from June 14th to 17th, one of the most important technological events in Europe. Come and discover how our patented S.I.I.S.M.A.T technology enhances the perception of the sound world. Revolutionize...

Supported and accompanied

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