AcouDesign – Innovation in SensoryAcoustics
Experience sound differently
Sensory acoustics?
Say goodbye to traditional systems, feel the vibration of the acoustic revolution through materials! The sounds we perceive have a direct impact on our emotions and behavior. Sensory Acoustics® is a term registered by Acoudesign to describe the effects of an invisible sound on our auditory, physiological, and psychological perception. With this innovative approach, we have developed SIISMAT (Invisible System of Sound proofing and Sonorization by Materials), a cross-cutting technology integrated into all our solutions, whether in the professional field, transportation, or leisure.
Pioneers in this disruptive field, weal ready offer incredibly innovative, immersive, unique, and unforgettable solutions and experiences.
Ge tready to feel new emotions with us and dive in to this audio revolution!
Experience sound differently
Sensory acoustics?
Say goodbye to traditional systems, feel the vibration of the acoustic revolution through materials! The sounds we perceive have a direct impact on our emotions and behavior. Sensory Acoustics® is a term registered by Acoudesign to describe the effects of an invisible sound on our auditory, physiological, and psychological perception. With this innovative approach, we have developed SIISMAT (Invisible System of Sound proofing and Sonorization by Materials), a cross-cutting technology integrated into all our solutions, whether in the professional field, transportation, or leisure.
Pioneers in this disruptive field, weal ready offer incredibly innovative, immersive, unique, and unforgettable solutions and experiences.
Ge tready to feel new emotions with us and dive in to this audio revolution!

Our Aim :
Elevate the perception of the audio world and make sound invisible
The sound we discernis influenced by all that we see and touch. Utilizing the patented cross-cutting S.I.I.S.M.A.T technology, Acoudesign amalgamates all sensory interactions to create high-quality tangible products and applications, transforming your habitats into acoustic wellness spaces. In the interest of manufacturers and industrialists striving for acoustic perfection, we create innovative solutions where SIISMAT technology and material choices closely intertwine.
Advanced acoustic technology
Immersive sound solutions
Innovation in sensoryacoustics
Sustainable sound experience
Innovative acoustic solutions

Noise Reduction

Music Broadcast

Vibration Applications

Noise Reduction

Music Broadcast

Vibration Applications
The Crown Jewel of Acoustics :
The S.I.I.S.M.A.T Technology
SIISMAT Technology : Invisible System of Sound proofing and Sonorization by Materials.
This system is the nerve center of our solutions. It establishes a connection between different elements to emit acoustic waves to fulfill one or more specific functions (messages, counter noise, music, alarm, etc.).
Our values

Scientific Rigor



Scientific Rigor


« The Acoudesign system gives a liquid content to the sound, it feels like being in your mother’s womb.
It’s very nice ! »
Instants d’Absolu Ecolodge & Spa
« We would like to thank the Acoudesign company again for the homeric work provided, and the excellent quality of the latter. »
« To hear his work, take the elevator of the Louis Vuitton store… »
Les Numériques
Our clients

Let’s Invent New Ways of Living !
Supported and accompanied

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